
Social Value

Housing providers play an essential role in society by offering homes for individuals and families. By striving to provide adequate living conditions, they can promote positive social value, which can have a profound impact on the communities where they operate. Through effective social value investment, housing providers can positively influence and uplift entire communities.

Our system constantly collects and analyses data from all connected sensors, providing users with insights into:

Excessive Boiler activity
System Pressure Loss
Boiler Fault Notifications
Damp and Mould Monitoring
Fuel Poverty Monitoring
Single Room Occupancy
Vulnerable Resident Monitoring
Interference Notifications

Housing providers play an essential role in society by offering homes for individuals and families. By striving to provide adequate living conditions, they can promote positive social value, which can have a profound impact on the communities where they operate. Through effective social value investment, housing providers can positively influence and uplift entire communities.

Our system constantly collects and analyses data from all connected sensors, providing users with insights into:

Excessive Boiler activity
System Pressure Loss
Boiler Fault Notifications
Damp and Mould Monitoring
Fuel Poverty Monitoring
Single Room Occupancy
Vulnerable Resident Monitoring
Interference Notifications

Excessive Boiler Activity

Overusing a boiler can lead to a variety of problems. One of the most common issues is boiler breakdown, which can occur due to increased wear and tear on the system.

Energy Consumption

Frequent and prolonged boiler usage increases energy consumption and utility costs for residents. This increased financial burden may result in negative social value, as it can potentially exacerbate existing socio-economic disparities within the community.

Telemetry Interrogation

Vericon Managed Services takes a proactive approach and communicates with the resident via the Resident App, outlining the issue and suggesting that adjusting the required temperature or timing program could result in significant cost savings.

Resident App

The Resident App offers a multitude of features, including the ability to facilitate direct communication with residents living within the property. It provides valuable information such as air quality data, temperature and humidity graphs, which helps residents better comprehend the implications of their actions on their living environment. 

Pressure Loss

Boiler system pressure loss can be a significant issue that negatively impacts the well-being and social value for residents. When a boiler system experiences pressure loss, it often results in reduced efficiency, leading to higher energy costs and uneven heating throughout the living spaces. Residents might feel discomfort due to fluctuating temperatures, causing dissatisfaction and frustration. 

Vericon Managed Services will monitor the system to identify any significant pressure drops over time that are greater than normal system losses. By detecting these trends early, preventive maintenance can be arranged, preventing ongoing damage to assets.

Boiler Fault Notifications

Vericon Managed Services meticulously analyses each boiler fault code, received from the boilers in real time, to ascertain the precise nature of the malfunction. This innovative approach ensures that any faults or irregularities are detected and reported promptly, enabling housing providers to address issues more quickly and efficiently. As a result, residents experience fewer disruptions in their heating and hot water supply, fostering a sense of comfort and reliability within the community.  

When a gas fault occurs for a resident on a metered supply, Vericon Managed Services will communicate through the Resident App. The message will explain the nature of the fault, confirm if it’s related to the gas supply, and provide guidance on resetting the boiler when the gas returns. If assistance is needed or the fault is unrelated to the meter, it will be treated as a work order.

Where possible, the system will triage under pressure faults by sending a clear message to the resident explaining the issue. The system may suggest the resident refill the boiler as a quick solution, but it will also keep track of the frequency of these faults. This data is crucial for identifying ongoing or future issues. If the resident is unable to refill the system, Vericon Managed Services will handle the necessary steps to process a fault for a work order.

All faults, except for those related to gas, low pressure, and expansion vessel issues, will undergo processing for the creation of a work order. This will lead to a significant reduction in the number of callouts required, thanks to the advanced triage process used, which provides the engineer with a high level of insight into the issue before they even leave the office.

Damp and Mould Monitoring

Damp and mould monitoring plays a crucial role in promoting social value by ensuring a healthy and comfortable living environment for its residents.

Our system continually assesses and manages the potential for mould growth, taking into consideration fluctuating weather conditions, as well as activities of contractors and residents.

Fuel Poverty Monitoring

By identifying and addressing households struggling to afford their energy bills, housing providers can develop targeted assistance programs that improve living conditions for vulnerable residents.

Fuel poverty, through living in homes which are too cold, can contribute to health issues such as respiratory diseases, heart diseases, circulatory diseases, and mental health problems. This directly links to excess winter deaths, repeat visits to GPs and hospital admissions.

Vericon Managed Services conducts continual monitoring of temperature and humidity levels in every room of the property, while also tracking any gas-related faults, if possible.


Managed Services for any size team

Significant Cost Saving

We remove the need to spend capital on new staff and training. Our Managed Services team act as integral members of your team, providing valuable insights and monitoring your data for potential. This collaborative approach ensures your properties are running smoothly and efficiently.

Auditable Processes and Reporting

Have confidence that your processes are being followed and are fully auditable. You will receive reports on a regular basis that show you how your service is performing.

AI Driven Resident Engagement

Better understand your residents' needs through direct communication and education leading to increased resident satisfaction, better retention rates, and ultimately, a more successful property management business.

24/7 Data Monitoring

The Managed Services team, along with our machine learning analysis programs, diligently monitor your portfolio 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. These efforts are implemented for the purpose of identifying issues that may arise and addressing them in a timely and efficient manner. Our prompt actions range from issuing simple alerts to managing various business processes in order to alleviate any problems that may be encountered.

Single Room Occupancy

Residents occupying just one room of their property significantly affects social value in several ways. It reduces social interactions as families and individuals may experience isolation, being confined to a smaller space, which limits opportunities for bonding and engaging with others.

Vericon Managed Services are capable of monitoring the temperature and humidity in individual rooms within a property, enabling the identification of residents who may be living in a single room.

While this approach is sensible, it also enables Vericon Managed Services to highlight these residents who may be at a higher risk of fuel poverty and where this activity is leading to future damp and mould issues.

Vulnerable Resident Monitoring

Vulnerable Resident Monitoring through the use of IoT devices in social housing fosters positive social value by ensuring the safety and well-being of its inhabitants. By leveraging this technology, housing providers can efficiently monitor at-risk residents, such as the elderly or those with disabilities.

Signs Of Activity

Vericon Managed Services will monitor properties of residents tagged as vulnerable for signs of activity. Vericon collects data from multiple sensors, including PIR sensors, to determine activity such as use of hot water, temperature, and humidity variances.

Active Trends

If trends change over a period or lack of activity is detected, a notification or alert is raised according to agreed processes. The property is continually tracked, and an all-clear notification is sent when activity is detected again.

Interference Notifications

Vericon Managed Services will closely monitor the data in order to identify any residents who may have tampered with installed products. Which will be promptly reported to the relevant department for immediate action.

By keeping this close eye on the data, we can ensure that our services remain fully functional and optimized for all residents.

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Lets work together

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BCM offers landlords a comprehensive solution to address, anticipate, and resolve numerous housing stock concerns remotely


MultiDOT is a simple-to-install device designed to accurately measure temperature and humidity levels


AutoFill reduces pressure-related issues in your central heating system by automatically repressurising the system

See more products on the Vericon Systems Website


Resident Engagement
Promoting resident engagement is critical for successful community management.

Property Disrepair
The consequences of property disrepair can be detrimental to the health and safety of occupants.

Resident Welfare
Creating a sustainable and suitable living environment for residents is essential.

Social Value
Social value aims to create a better future for all members of society.

Boiler Maintenance
Keeping the boiler well-maintained can prolong its lifespan and reduce energy costs.

Additional Value

A range of standard reports required for both business and Government reporting

Community Learning
Our AI algorithms interrogates all anonymised data across the system to constantly improve its abilities.

Resident App
Our engagement and home overview app for residents.

Our rating and feedback platform allowing clients to understand how residents perceive their service.


Monthly Managed Services

Vericon Managed Services, in partnership with Fusion21 and Huws Gray, is proud to present the advantages of utilising our Managed Services through our innovative pay-monthly plans.

Find out more.


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